April 06, 2014


By John R. Greenwood

Psst, have you heard the news? A chatty robin just told me that "Spring" is hiding just around the corner. She heard how bad "Winter" had been behaving and thought she better head our way. She knew "Winter" hadn't gotten much attention in the last few years and got a little riled when he overheard "Summer" say they thought maybe "Winter" had gotten a little soft in the middle. Apparently "Winter" felt disrespected and felt a need to flex his muscles this year. "Winter" has always taken great pride in being the tough guy of the group. He never took pleasure in power outages or school closings but he did like being the big man on campus when it came to Weather Channel interviews with snowplow drivers and Wisconsin retirees complaining about having to shovel out the ends of the driveway for the umpteenth time.  


  1. Hope spring comes soon. I love the beautiful Dudley!

  2. I LOVE "Dudley" and what he had to say here...It brought me a smile this morning! I hope "Mr.WINTER" has gotten enough attention now to last for awhile, and I can't wait to see "Mr.& Mrs. SPRING", and their multi colored tulips and daffodils!!! Lol...Have a great day, and THINK SPRING!!!
