October 12, 2012



My life has changed in many ways since the first post of this blog. I have met many people who inspire me to continue growing, learning, and exploring. I am grateful each day for having them in and around my life. Each new mile marker brings another thought, another plan, another goal. I have no fear of tomorrow. The only fear is missing a sign. My eyes remain wide, deep into the night, and into the words I read and write. I am hopeful for the future. I am thankful for the past. As one layer is shed and each new coat applied appearances change, change appears. 

Photo taken at Old Sturbridge Village 10.8.12


  1. I believe in the path you are following of "appearances change, change appears. So nice when you are the one shaping your changes. -- barbara

  2. The only constant in life is change. We can choose to fight it or embrace. I choose the embracing thing :)

  3. Part of the great beauty in life are the surprising changes that can occur, new directions, wholly unexpected, always leading to another fine place along the road.
