September 30, 2013

Dreaming of Lincoln?

Dreaming of Lincoln?
I'm not sure if it was a dream or I really met Lincoln last night? It seemed so real. It was high atop a mountain. There was a cottage. Grant's Cottage I think the sign said. I was still very tired when I woke up this morning. I kept hearing his voice. I recall seeing a large gathering of people. 

Maybe I need more rest. I think I will lay back down. Hum? This has me very confused. It seemed so real?


  1. Dreams usually have some connection to what is going on in our life. Perhaps it is your wish for saner politics by dreaming of Lincoln? -- barbara

  2. I was asked the other day, if I could meet one person, get to know one person living now or from history (besides Jesus) who would that be. Without blinking, I said Lincoln. Off to see the link to Grants Cottage.

    1. Here is a link to Dr Gene Greissman's web page. He plays Lincoln in his play The Last Debate.
