September 28, 2013

I Found A Book

I Found A Book 
By John R. Greenwood
I found a book I can not shake. It occupies my mind day in and day out. I found it here in the Lyrical Ballad Bookstore. I love books but I wouldn't say I am an avid book reader. It takes me a long time to read a book. It's not because I have a problem reading, it's because reading relaxes me to the point where I fall asleep a chapter or two deep. My love of books is more about what they have given me. They have provided inspiration, knowledge, encouragement, joy, and in many cases they have given me a reason to get up in the morning. This is about one of those books. The book I found is from 1962. It's not a rare book but it's priceless to me because it's trying to tell me something and I can't be sure what it is. I've written about the book before. It's called 'The Hudson River' by Jack Lewis. Ever since I pulled this book from it's nest at Lyrical Ballad it has been trying to tell me something. It's coming in my future. It keeps pulling me forward-pushing me ahead. I am afraid to miss any opportunity that brushes against my pant leg for fear it may hold the answer to what Jack's book is saying to me. Books have placed great things at my doorstep. One was author Jon Katz. Jon then brought me the Hubbard Hall Writing Group. Being involved with the group gave my blog an injection of creativity and interest. I now have fellow bloggers from all over the world stopping by for visits. They leave messages of support which fuel my passion for writing and sharing even more. Lately I feel the answer is up around the corner. I keep leaning my head slightly to the left trying to see what might be coming. It's a premonition of something good, something alive and colorful. A new chapter in my life. A new adventure to feed my hungry mind. I want to bring you along for the ride, so stay tuned. 

Cantilever Bridge at Warrensburg
by Jack Lewis
June 24, 1961


  1. Boy, would I love to have such a Bookstore in my town. I think I would be there more then at home.

  2. I have to exercise great restraint in bookstores. I am especially drawn to old books. Going here is like walking through an animal shelter, you want to rescue them all.

  3. Looks to be 'raining books' here. No umbrella needed. Enjoy the fallout.

  4. Oh, I think I would love that book! Hope I can find a copy. Lyrical Ballad is only a couple of blocks from my home. I think I will start my search there. Thanks for giving the shop a nice plug.

  5. ... I am really curious. I'd love to follow your journey along the Hudson... or wherever that book is taking you. Keep exploring, keep writing! (and I am now a subscriber to Jon Katz's blog - thank you for introducing me :)

    1. You will find Jon's blog a very nice place to visit, after here of course. Tell him a Raining Iguana sent you. He will understand.

  6. Climbing in your boat John..thanks for taking me along.
