October 01, 2013

Shut Down? - The Chain Of Solution

Shut Down? - The Chain Of Solution
By John R. Greenwood

These guys on the non-corporate ladder seemed unfazed by the news of a government shutdown. They will be here tomorrow and the day after. They will continue to chase that American Dream regardless of what happens between the boys down there in Washington. They don't have time for this nonsense. The car payment is due and the kids need money for their class trip to Boston. 

Quite frankly I am sick of hearing people argue. Isn't anyone paying attention. It's not just the politicians. Every corner of society is engaged in some form of conflict. We as adults should be ashamed of ourselves. We seem to have forgotten that as an adult we are supposed to spend our lives setting a good example for our children. We are failing miserably. When does the era of 'getting our own way or else' become extinct. We have no right using the word compromise because we don''t have a clue how to actually put it in to practice. We used to care about others enough to give them respect for their opinions. Now we ridicule and posture, poke and antagonize. It makes me want to run away from home. 

We won't fix this until we've made such a mess of things that we have to start from scratch. In the mean time we are destroying the futures of those behind us. It really is a simple solution but it would require us to act like true equals to each other. We say it everyday but when it boils down to practicing it we fold like a cheap tent and continue our bad habits of pointing fingers and butting ahead of each other in line. 

You can begin the, "chain of solution" tomorrow on your way to work. Let your courteous side shine through. Run through rehearsal when you get to work. Offer to help out someone that's not on your Christmas list. Catch them off guard by taking something off their busy plate. Fine tune your patient side by not being sarcastic to the clerk ringing up your purchase at the counter. There are lots of things we can do to promote ourselves as good adults. The key to success is wanting more for the those behind us than we want for ourselves today. Thank you progress for smothering this concept over the last 50 years. Isn't it about time we realized what we're doing is not working. That government shutdown happened a long time ago. We can't wait for those guys to figure out how to spell compromise. We have to start it on our own. You can begin when you walk out the door tomorrow morning. That little one in the baby seat is counting on you. 


  1. Points well taken. Can we say FRUSTRATION? I know we can.

  2. Said so beautifully and thoughtful.

  3. I remember the 1996 shut down and all its scary predictions. I had taken early retirement from my main occupation and had taken a two year federal position working with impoverished small communities. We were told that we would not receive a paycheck, due to the shutdown, but we did. Seemed, at the time, that it just was a blip in the system. Hope it will be this way again. -- barbara

  4. Points well articulated and well taken. I especially agree with "That government shutdown happened a long time ago." Thanks for putting into words what I couldn't. Diane

  5. Respect. Hard to compromise without it. Loved the whole post.
