January 17, 2013

Price's Dairy

Price's Dairy 
By John R. Greenwood

I just returned from the Saratoga Room at the Saratoga Springs Public Library. I had a great time and found some interesting things; one of which was this page from the 1954 Saratoga phone directory. I would not be born until the following year but the two ads at the top of this page would end up having a large impact on my life. I grew up playing in the fields and hay mows of Brookside Dairy in my early years living in Greenfield Center, New York. It was a wonderful farm and it's memory is dear to my heart. 

In 1979 I was twenty-four, married with two sons and purchased Price's Dairy from Victor Price. I paid him $100 cash per week. There aren't too many people who can make that statement. I ran the business for the next ten years. As you can imagine, my heart did a little double take seeing both of these ads together. I love that the phone numbers were two and three digits. 

I went to the library in search of another story but as I am prone to do I got a little sidetracked. The good news is I was able to confirm the correct name of the person I want to write about. I only knew him by his nickname. I needed to confirm his real name so I could find his obituary. I needed a starting point and now I have it. My next step is to find the obituary. I want to see if there are any descendants. My goal is to talk to someone in the family before I continue to dig any deeper. I am excited. I can't wait to get back to the library. 


  1. Your excitement is felt in far away places...keep it going. Diane

  2. Exciting for you to follow a paper trail through something you have a vague idea about and want to uncover the perimeter of it. -- barbara
