June 07, 2013

A Facebook Happy Birthday

A Facebook Happy Birthday
By John R. Greenwood

I wanted to thank all the people who took a minute to stop by and wish me a Facebook Happy Birthday. It made me stop and think about what birthdays were like before Facebook. Everyone likes to kid about how horrible Facebook is and how dangerous and trivial it can be. Yes, many times that's true, but not when it's used and enjoyed the way it was on my page today. I find it hard to pick on something that brings friends and relatives to my door on a daily basis. Facebook and the internet in general have changed my life over the last few years. I began this blog in 2008 and just broke over sixty thousands views last week. To me that's a great accomplishment because I did it without obscene language, outrageous video, or raging commentary. People came here to sit on the porch and see the view up the street. They stopped by out of courtesy and curiosity. I have grown a small following of regulars and hope to add more as time goes by. There are no magic beans being sold here, only truth and no consequences. Photographs of rusty trucks, fresh flowers, and cellar treasures are the basis for life here. I have enjoyed a variegated life of good times and hard times, highs and not so highs. I love meeting people of all dimensions and persuasions and Facebook, Google, Blogger, and a red wireless mouse help make that happen 24/7. As I look out over the last few years I don't know what else would have consumed my evening hours had it not been for my keyboard and FB. I would probably still be sitting on the couch but my head would be full of television commercials and staged reality shows. I am grateful for the ability to travel the world with the click of a mouse and the wink of an eye. I embrace the technology that nursed me and a blog called Raining Iguanas back to life. I hope to see you on my birthday next year. Bring a friend, maybe one you've never even met, face to Facebook. Thanks friends. 


  1. Congratulations on creating a wonderful place for us to visit and share in your life. Oh, the power of social media...this is my kind of reality show. Diane

  2. Great writing John. Yes Fb has brought many people to your page, and you have brought many a smile to us. We love the pictures and comments you post. Kind of like a small life reflection for us. (and hey FB has to be better than the reality shows...and your page has made it much better for all of us)
    Keep writing, and glad you had a happy birthday!!

    1. Thank you so much, sharing is what keeps me moving forward.

  3. Love 'em or hate 'em, they're here to stay.

    1. Yes, we would be quite upset if we ceased to have them!

  4. I always get the "feel goods" when I read your blogs. Thanks :) Rhea

  5. Not a friend on facebook, however, wanted to wish you a "Happy Birthday!"

  6. I agree. Far more interesting and entertaining than most TV. Happy Birthday!

    1. Thank you for the birthday wishes and yes, (most tv) it would be tough to overshadow Diner's, Drive-ins, and Dives...

  7. Well said John. I agree with the positives of Facebook. I love hearing from old friends, relatives I don't see often,
    and people I haven't seen for years that I think I will never see again! I get a good feeling when I get a "Like" on a photo I post, or something I've written. I like to give an encouraging word to someone who needs it.I like people and interacting with them, and this gives me a way to do that from my home, at any time of day or night. I love your simplicity, front porch themes, old trucks & cars, nature, your co workers, your work ethic, your love of family and place, the beauty of the world and the people in it, the state of our country, and your philosophy of life, and so much more.....You will never run out of things to write about! Creativity flows from your pours.. I'm so glad you allowed the writer that was always within you to come out to allow us to enjoy and ponder it. I'm proud of you, and proud to be your sister, and your friend. I love you John, Your Sister Jo
